A Backyard Prayer

I’ve been sick.  And when you’re laid up in bed sick, in a social health climate like what we’re in now, you turn toward the window and pray…

You are the Ancient of Days;
        more ancient than
        the dark cold core of that stone
        over near the lavender twigs,
        more ancient than
        the sands from creation’s distant days
        buried deep below my uncut lawn.
You are Greater and more Mighty;
        more mighty than
        that hardened bulk
        of stamped patio concrete.
You are Light and you are Love…
        more glaring and warm than
        the Sun at high noon.
        higher than the tip top point
of that far off pine tree,
        wider than the breadth span
of its lowest limbs,
        deeper than the longest root
tapping waters lowest source.
You are God,
        Unending and Unchanging
        in who you always are.
And Father…
As a race of people;
        as a tribe of feeble humans,
We are all feeling
        like that trampled down grass path there,
        or like the tussled and discolored bark
        scattered about that overgrown
        bedded area over there.
We are all bent and curled downward
        right now,
        weeping like the willow, and
        wondering, like the wind,
        what is going where and
        when it may all settle
        like the rotting pile of leaves
        left in the corner
        by the garage
        since falls last blow.
Spiritually, we are hanging on
        like the flitting flailing fledgling
        perched perilously on the peeling bark
        of that old lilac tree…
        …those who are spiritual at least.
So many folks are not.
So many folks’ lives are broken inside,
        like the weather worn
        and cracked cedar lattice
        atop the fence.
Their defenses are failing them
        like the splintering shingles
        that make up the fence itself.
They need the peace that comes
        with hard repairs.
We all need the peace that alights
        our lives
        like the dove that purrs and coos
        from a block away.
Father, your grace and peace to us,
It feels like we are ready
        in this northern land
        for winter to recede. 
Come on the scene
        like springtime, Father,
        like the barely-there buds
        on the thorny rose tree
        off the corner of the house,
        like the now tender
        and slowly emerging
        delphinium stocks.
Purify the land,
        my God,
        from the inside-out.
Whiten our souls
        like the blooms
        on the cherry tree
        three yards away.
You have bent us down.
Now raise us up to stand
        like the gull of the sea
        upon the highest neighbors peak.
Set us to soar on wings
        like the eagles on high,
        beyond my strained eye.
Father, you reign,
        so now, rain down on us…
Mercy, like a long awaited holiday.
Grace, like a gift from a forgotten friend.
Peace, like a slow still backyard
        on an early spring day.
Amen, and Amen.


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