Heard From God Much?

Eve, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, a dozen plus prophets, etc…  They all heard from God.

I wonder what that was like. 

Eve in the garden, Noah on the plains, Abraham in Ur, what did God’s voice sound like? 

Moses on his mountain top – I imagine a booming guttural tone that shakes rocks, don’t you? 

Samuel startled night after night in bed by…what sound? 

Elijah, hiding away, stirred up by every frightening display…then a whispery wind?  It’s hard to imagine a whispery wind could have anything authoritative to say.  But it did. 

And all the prophets of old, what did they hear?  An urgent and intense and private sound, in a writing closet or something? 

I wonder if it was ever casual and conversant, over a meal or in a coffee shop.  Maybe dramatic from a stage.  Maybe sincere over ice cream or sitting in a barber chair.

Seems like I’ve digressed.  Not really.  It’s just that these are where I heard God’s voice yesterday – from hearts and mouths of people I love…

Matt told me, even showed me in an audible way, to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances,” because here in is an act of faith that truly pleases God and is in line with God’s will.

Jeff told me to lead with conviction and resolve and purpose.  Like a shepherd, the Good Shepherd even, keep watch at the gate, rescue the stray sheep, and kill the prowling lion.

Sarah told me, in the dramatic intonation of a Samaritan woman found at a well, that maybe, just maybe, the five habits I’ve espoused and the one I’m selling out to now are false mates.  And Jesus longs to be that which I’m singularly and eternally united to in unhindered devotion.

Austin told me, over ice cream, that I’ve blessed him; that I’ve led him and invested in him and invited him into a community of peers that have done the same.  He told me our church is unique and he’ll miss them. 

Beth told me, as I sat in the barber chair, that she laid her life down for others.  She asked questions that are real and she listened as clients unpacked their baggage on her.  She set an example on how to pastor well.

Different places, different faces.  All, the voice of God – the clarion cry or echoed timbre of Scripture itself – to me.  Thankful to you all for your voice…His voice.  I bet you heard it today too.  Are you listening?


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