Clearing Hurdles
It’s been too long since posting something on this, my
blog. I’m not a great writer. You’ve noticed this reality if you’ve been
here before. However, I do love writing. There is a unique favor-from-above that I experience
when I see words accurately and creatively express what fills my heart and
mind. And for that reason I miss it when
I don’t do it.
Generally the highest hurdle in the way of me getting here,
to this keyboard, is deciding what to write.
What could I offer up on this world-wide-web-space that might compel those
who chose to drop by, whether accidently or occasionally, to come and see what
good may come? What could I offer up
that might give courage and stay the fears of this present day for those whose
hearts cower? What could I offer up that
might honor my God and bless those who seek after him? What could I offer up that might be rich and
meaningful, and that hasn’t been offered up somewhere else? What could I offer up?
Generally the next highest hurdle then is, when I get
here, my mind cripples with the fear of writing wrong. What I mean by that is, I write a sentence or
a phrase. Then I read it and re-read
it. Then I delete it and rewrite it. Then I re-read it and add to it on the front
end or back end or somewhere in the middle.
Then I change words out for better words, rephrase the whole thing and finally,
hopefully move on. All this until the
time allowed has passed twice over and my head hurts from the curse of wordsmithing.
But while all that goes on there, in the quiet hours of nearly
every morning I journal. Truth be told, I
place pen in hand far more than I place fingers to keys. In fact, I have stacks of journals that chronicle
the past 18 years of this life I’ve lived.
For whatever reason the pace of pen and paper is precisely the pace of
the synapses between thoughts in my brain.
(Clearly that suggests a humbling reality about my ability to think
Often enough, as I write in my journal, the words feel
like they should be here on my blog instead.
Over the course of these few years wherein I’ve been stacking thoughts
and ideas on this blog page to scroll through, it has occurred to me to harken
back to journaled moments long (or shortly) past and share them, again with
anyone who may drop by.
And so, thus I will do.
From time to time, and likely more often than not, I will
share moments and memories, thoughts and ideas, events and issues, and so on
and so forth, with you and anyone else who may drop by.
These reflections will be distinguished from the present
tense with little more than an indicated date and perhaps some cryptic context
hidden in the folds of the paragraphs.
My hope is these entries, along with whatever else emerges on this page,
will keep in line with the vision of Branchtown
and compel you to come and see just what good may come…
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