Thine...not mine | Your will be done...on earth as it is in heaven

We’re working on this line…

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

In the previous post I suggested that when we pray this line, we are declaring to the Father that it’s time for a miracle to happen!  I hope you caught the reality of that, at least in part, as we considered the Father’s kingdom and what it may mean to pray for it to “come…on earth as it is in heaven.” 

There is more to it though, huh?  Look at the line again.  It’s not just about the Father’s kingdom coming, is it?  The line is also about the Father’s will being done.  And more than that, the line is about the inseparable overlap where these two subjects run together. 

When we boldly declare to the Father that it’s time for a miracle to happen, that miracle is a unique melding of both his kingdom coming and his will being done on earth as it already is in heaven.  Watch what I mean…

“Your kingdom come, your will be done…”

Now, it’s tempting to suppose this is our “Dear God, what is your will for my life?” prayer, but with a more relenting “I give up” sort of tone… 

Just…whatever!  Your will be done God, okay!?  Whatever your will is, do it, please.

And then we sit back, exhausted from the journey, and wait for God to open the door of opportunity.

I get the question – What is God’s will for my life? – and I recall using it often enough not long ago.  But this part of the prayer isn’t that…at all actually.  And here’s why…

First, it’s not a stand-alone statement.  As I just suggested, this declaration of the Father’s will to be done is inseparable from the earlier declaration of the Father’s kingdom to come.  Together they make up a single declaration to God himself!

Second, the relenting tone assumes zero personal responsibility to understand God’s will and perhaps expand on it in praying it to the Father to be done here on earth just like it is being done in heaven right now! 
Third, in relation to the question of God’s will for my life, if you’ve surrendered your life to God in Christ Jesus, it may be worth remembering that it isn’t your life anymore!  The question smacks with a self-centered assumption that, frankly, we totally give up when we are captured by the love of Jesus poured out to us in salvation.  We belong to Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:21-23).  We have assumed the role of slave…to God himself (Romans 6:16-22); a far more liberating position than our former role as slaves to sin.

Forth (and final), in relation to the question of God’s will, maybe we need a better way to understand it?  Maybe God’s will is more than a mere single dimension sovereign rule with indomitable plans for this life I live in Christ that will come to pass with or without me? 

Consider this…  Maybe there are (at least) three aspects of God’s will that we do well to understand a bit better?  Maybe they are these:

                                                And Desired

What do you think I mean by these three aspects?

Maybe this…

Determined is that “will of God” that he sovereignly establishes among all created things.  This aspect is certain of fulfillment, and generally the specifics of it are known by God alone.  (Ironically, I think this is what we assume when we want to know His will for these lives.)

Declared is that “will of God” that reflects His holiness and moral absolutes for all created things.  This aspect is commanded to be fulfilled; spelled out clearly in scripture, but often is missed amidst our sin.

Desired is that “will of God” that reflects his hopes and longings for all created things.  This aspect is commissioned unto fulfillment and is fulfilled to the degree we respond positively to God’s Spirit at work in us, compelling us to love God and love others.

(I realize we are categorizing aspects of something that is essentially part of God and God alone.  But sometimes it is helpful for us humans to divide out the indivisible so we can more fully admire and adore its Possessor.)

Want some examples?  Read these verses and see if you can’t catch which aspect or aspects (maybe more than one) of the will of God is being emphasized. 
o   Isaiah 46:8-11
o   Ezekiel 33:11
o   Daniel 4:34-35
o   Matthew 23:37
o   Mark 3:35
o   Romans 8:27
o   Romans 12:2
o   1 Corinthians 1:1
o   1 Corinthians 12:11
o   Ephesians 6:5-6
o   Colossians 4:12
o   1 Thessalonians 4:3-6
o   1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
o   Hebrews 2:3b-4
o   Hebrews 10:36
o   Hebrews 13:20-21
o   1 Peter 2:15
o   2 Peter 3:9
o   1 John 2:17
o   Revelation 17:17

There are a ton more we could look at.  For sure what we see though is when we talk about the “will of God” we are talking about something more than a particular path he has mapped out for these lives we live or a direction related to a particular decision we are faced with. 

That said, when we come to this line in the Lord’s Prayer, we need to see it as way broader than merely a prayer for direction or something of that nature.  In fact, we need to see it as really not that at all.

“Your will be done” is a declaration to the Father that, most specifically, His declared and desired will would be done, not His determined will. 

Think about this… 

His determined will, again is a sovereign decision or resolve of the Father that was established as certain without me and long before me.  Of the three aspects of the will of God, I have no say in His determined will.  I have no voice in that conversation.  I have no role on that stage.  I needn’t stand around declaring to the Father that His determined will would be done.  He has been taking care of that long before I came about and He’ll continue to long after I’m gone.

His declared and desired will on the other hand, here is where we are when we pray “your will be done.”  Here is where we have a part to play.  When we pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done…” we have in mind all those things related to the Father’s declared will – His moral precepts and legal moorings – and His desired will – His impassioned pleas and heart’s cry for humankind.

So, our prayer, so far…

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name. 
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”

And I hope you are noticing the inseparable overlap of the Father’s kingdom and His will.  We do realize, don’t we, that the Father’s declared will and desired will are most fully experienced where his kingdom has come. 

Where His kingdom is – where there is repentance and healing and justice and joy and peace and so on – is where His will is being done – where there is obedience and his people are gathered and there is prayer and rejoicing and thanksgiving and an abandoned pursuit toward loving God wholly and loving neighbors radically.

Do you see that?  Are you catching the massive significance of declaring to the Father that His Kingdom would come AND His will would be done right here on earth as it is in heaven?  That is to say, that which is already prevailing in heaven…would prevail on earth too.  Whew!

Do you see as well that, just about the time we pray it, we have a role in it?  Just about the time we open our mouths to announce to God our hopes for His Kingdom to come and will to be done, we do best to adjust our lives to make it happen!  If we will declare to the Father that we are ready for a miracle of kingdom proportions to occur, we best be ready to have a hand in it.

Now try this:  Remember your list from the previous post on the Father’s kingdom?  Remember all the realities of the kingdom that you want to see come?  Things like repentance and healing, righteousness, peace and joy, etc.?  Go get that list. 

Then make another list.  Think about the verses you read a moment ago.  Think about everything the Father has declared and desired to be done; namely His will.  List out the elements or issues of His will that you want to see done here on earth, right now.

Then, place these lists side by side and pray through our line in the Lord’s Prayer, expanding on it using everything you’ve listed here.  Just see if this line in an age old memorized prayer doesn’t come to new life for you!

His kingdom come
His will be done


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